8 January 2009

Presidential Address:
Stamping out ill health

Helen Smith ,

Professor of Primary Care, Brighton and Sussex Medical School

5 Feb 2009

If not us, who? If not now, when?- clinicians’ responsibility for tackling climate change

Dr Robin Stott,

Consultant Physician and Vice-chair Medact

5 March 2009

A return to fear: from the creation of the NHS to its destruction, and how the pursuit of trade has overridden health care needs

Prof Allyson Pollock

Director, Centre for International Health Policy, University of Edinburgh

Friday 27 March 2009

Sussex Medico-Legal Dinner, Lancing College

Speaker: Hon. Nicholas Soames, MP

2 April 2009

Saving mothers’ lives, nationally and internationally

Prof James Drife

Obstetrician, writer and entertainer

7 May 2009

The role of policy in the management of obesity

Prof David J Hunter

Director, Centre for Public Policy and Health

4 June 2009

The science of quality improvement- the new challenge for the medical profession

Dr Martin Marshall

Deputy Clinical Medical Officer and academic GP

1 Oct 2009

A little night club medicine; caring for clubbers’ health in the 21st`century

Dr Chris Luke

Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Cork University Hospital

5 Nov 2009

Primary prevention of allergies: should we all lick the cat?

Prof Adnan Custovic

Professor of Allergy, Manchester University

3 Dec 2009

Bronchi and organ pipes- strange bedfellows

Dr Richard Godfrey

Respiratory Physician and Organ Consultant to the Diocese of Salisbury