The Brighton and Sussex Medico-Chirurgical Society (“Med-Chi”, pronounced “med-ki” to rhyme with sky) was founded in 1847 as a forum for medical professionals to meet, learn and socialise. Today our function is similar but more inclusive. Membership is open to practising or retired medical practitioners, allied healthcare professionals, pharmacists or individuals whose interests align with the objects of the Society.
Our meeting programme is always diverse and typically includes topics such as the following: clinical medicine and surgery, public health, global health, medical humanities, history of medicine, medical ethics, personal experience and talks by experts in specific fields. Meetings normally take place face-to-face and online, although it may be necessary to reserve a place.
We are one of the oldest medico-chirurgical societies in England and strive to preserve this important tradition. New members are always welcome. (see ‘Join’ link at top of page)
Find out more about the organisation and its history!
Announcement: Next Lecture
Thinking outside of the box in hypertension
By Professor Richard McManus, MA PhD MBBS FRCGP FRCP
Dean of Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Professor of Primary Care
Thursday 3 April 2025 | 6 pm for 6:30 pm start
Lecture Theatre, Audrey Emerton Building, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BE
Please register here: